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GHANA: AMECEA participates in the CEPACS Workshop on Engaging Modern Means of Communications for promoting Evangelization

Group Photo of Participants of CEPAC Workshop/Meeting held in Accra Ghana together with Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana H.E. Most Rev. Jean-Marie Speich
Group Photo of Participants of CEPAC Workshop/Meeting
held in Accra Ghana together with Apostolic
Nuncio to Ghana H.E. Most Rev. Jean-Marie Speich

AMECEA Chairman of Social Communications Department Rt. Rev Charles Kasonde was among the participants of the workshop cum meeting on engaging the modern means of communications for promoting Evangelization in Africa with particular reference to Justice, Peace, Reconciliation and Development. The workshop/meeting was organized by CEPACS, which is the communication department of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and was held in Accra, Ghana from 6-9 June 2016.

Bishop Kasonde who is also the Bishop of Solwezi, Zambia, was accompanied by Rev Fr. Chrisantus Ndaga, the AMECEA Social Communications Department Coordinator to the meeting which attracted participants from all the Regional Conferences in Africa.

In the opening remarks, Most Rev Emmanuel Louis Portella-Mbuyu, Bishop of Kinkala (Congo DR) who is the First Vice-President of SECAM asked the participants to help the Church build bridges across the continent by reduce communication gaps and coming up with resolutions that will help SECAM excel in matters of communications.

At the same event the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, Most Rev Jean-Marie Speich said that the Holy Father is following SECAM activities with much interest, and is eagerly waiting for the fruits of the next plenary of SECAM in Angola.

He said, “SECAM is about to celebrate 50 years of its existence, yet it is very unfortunate that it has not reached the adulthood stage, I would put it that, it is still in the teenage stage; a stage whereby one struggles to look for his or her identity,” he said adding that “I do believe that after the plenary in Angola SECAM will come out as an adult to be able to realize its identity.”

Referring to the Africae Munus document no. 142 which says “The Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa saw the modern media not only as means of communication, but themselves a world to be evangelized…..”, the Apostolic Nuncio echoed the message by saying that Media must also be evangelized if they want to be relevant to the service of the Church and the society today.

Participants of CEPACS Workshop/Meeting during the sessions
Participants of CEPACS Workshop/Meeting during the sessions

Giving a vote of thanks remarks on behalf of the participants, Bishop Kasonde expressed gratitude to the Apostolic Nuncio for his attendance which is a sign of collegiality and solidarity with the Holy See, for his observation and challenges he posed to SECAM. He said that these challenges will be taken as opportunities towards building the better future of SECAM. “Your advice is the opportunity for grace and growth; we will table them as agenda for this meeting,” he said.

Meanwhile Rt. Rev Emmanuel Badejo, Bishop of Oyo Nigeria, who is the Chairman of CEPACS, also thanked the Apostolic Nuncio for the words of hope. He said that the meeting had been organized purposely in order to set new plans for improving social communication activities in the continent. “We cannot change the past but let us learn from it to better the future,” he said.

The good will messages were also given by Ms. Petra Stammen from CAMECO who commended Rt. Rev Emmanuel Badejo for his appointment as the Chairman of CEPACS as she thinks that his appointment will bring new spirit to the office.

By AMECEA Online News Reporter

Below is the Communique issued at the end of the Meeting of the Pan-African Committee for Social Communications (CEPACS) held at SECAM Secretariat, Accra, Ghana from June 6-9, 2016 under the theme: Engaging the Modern Means of Communications for promoting Evangelisation in Africa with particular reference to Justice, Peace, Reconciliation and Development

We, participants at the meeting of the Pan-African Episcopal Committee of Social Communications (CEPACS) comprising regional Chairmen of Social Communications with the attendance of Secretaries of Communications, Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), SIGNIS-Africa, the Union of Africa Catholic Press (UCAP), the Catholic News Agency for Africa and resource persons, having deliberated on issues concerning social communications of the Church in Africa, issue the following communique:

  1. Appreciation

We thank the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for his message on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of World Communications Day, which was reiterated by the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, Archbishop Jean-Marie Speich, reminding us of the power of communication “to build bridges, to enable encounter and inclusion, and thus to enrich society.”

We are grateful to the President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi, who was represented by the first Vice-President of SECAM, Bishop Louis Portella-Mbuyu,for having emphasised the important role that Social Communications play in the evangelization mission of the Church.

We received goodwill messages from the Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), SIGNIS Africa, and the Union of Africa Catholic Press (UCAP).

  1. Revival of CEPACS

We support the new Chairman of CEPACS Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo, Bishop of Oyo, Nigeria, for reviving CEPACS. We therefore pledge our commitment to keep CEPACS dynamic as the umbrella body for the animation, coordination, formation and training of media practitioners at all levels. We wish that this spirit of commitment and dedication is extended to all the regional Bishops’ Conferences on our continent.

  1. SECAM Departments

Through the presentation of the activities from the various offices of SECAM Secretariat, we acknowledge with appreciation their efforts in evangelisation for the good of the Church on the continent. We urge SECAM to affirm the policy of mandating all the offices of SECAM Secretariat to include media and publicity components in all their projects and programs.

  1. Collaboration with Regional and National Social Communications Offices

Following the revival of CEPACS, we appeal for closer collaboration and cooperation between the continental social communications office and the various regional and national communication offices. To this effect, we urge all Bishops’ Conferences to revitalize their Social Communications offices so as to meet the needs of the communication apostolate for evangelisation.

The redesigned SECAM website now offers the opportunity for regional and national conferences as well as other interested parties in Africa to collaborate in new ways through the domain secam.org OR sceam.org. We encourage all interested parties to visit the site and apply for membership.

  1. The Catholic News Agency for Africa (CANAA)

We recognise the good service being undertaken by the Catholic News Agency for Africa (CANAA), a project of SECAM, through its biweekly online Newsletter. We appeal to the Church leadership in Africa and all people of good will to support this laudable project. Free subscription can be obtained by emailing: canaa.coordinator@gmail.com

  1. SECAM Information and Documentation

We commend SECAM for the initiative it has taken to improve its information and documentation Centre. We ask regional and national conferences to adopt a policy of systematic record keeping and information management.

  1. Call on all Catholic Media Professionals and Practitioners

We commend Catholic media professionals and practitioners throughout our continent for all they are doing for the betterment of society. We call on them to witness to their faith with courage through their activities for the evangelisation mission of the Church in Africa.


As we conclude this meeting, we appreciate the hospitality of the Secretary General and staff of SECAM who have made us feel so welcome.

We invoke the Holy Spirit who inspired the Blessed Virgin Mary, the star of evangelisation, to inspire our effort and grant us success. Our Lady of Africa, Pray for us!

Most Rev. Emmanuel A. Badejo

President of CEPACS & Bishop of Oyo, Nigeria

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